

In the VBA module AO_Telavox set the variables to correct values.

Private Const PhoneCountryCode As String = "+45"
Private Const PersonMobileField As String = "mobilephone"
Private Const PersonPhone As String = "phone"
Private Const CompanyPhone As String = "phone"

The current defaults match the Lime CRM Base Solution.

Telavox Flow

To have the Telavox Flow client call the Lime CRM Desktop Client, each user has to follow the User Installation Guide and add a "call widget" in their Telavox Flow client, and insert the correct Lime CRM link.

The link is on the format:

limecrm:person.<APP NAME>.<LIME SERVER DNS NAME>?command=softphone&phoneNo=%NUMBER%

Example URL:

The following parameters are available in Flow:

  • %NUMBER% is replaced by phone number of caller.
  • %B-NUMBER% is replaced by phone number of callee.
  • %C-NUMBER% is replaced by phone number before redirection or queue number.